Houdini, acting as President of the Society of American Magicians, signs off approving another member to the prestigious club!
A 'Card of Identification' certifying that F. H. Bullis "Is a member (#549) in good standing until the Annual Meeting in June in 1919;" printed in two colors on orange cardstock, bearing a black ink bold "Harry Houdini" signature, as President, near the bottom; also signed by "Oscar S. Teale" as Secretary. 2 1/2" x 4" The verso of this card is titled "The Society of American Magicians, Incorporated Hospital Benefit." Likely a brand new benefit for members of this organization, it states: "If a member in good standing is compelled to undergo Hospital treatment as result of accident or disease (other than venereal, or chronic and incurable) he shall notify the Secretary of the Parent Assembly in New York City, whereupon, the society will pay any Hospital for a period not exceeding five weeks within one year."
Very well preserved and in excellent condition. Authenticated and encapsulated by PSA/DNA.